With the COVID-19 pandemic, the GMAT exam has transitioned to an online format that allows students to take the test from home. The GMAT online test provides greater flexibility and convenience for test takers around the world. This article provides a comprehensive guide to the GMAT online exam, including registration process, test format and structure, exam day procedures, scoring and score reporting. By understanding the end-to-end process, test takers can better prepare and have a smooth experience when taking the Gmat online.

Gmat online has the same content and format as the in-person exam

The GMAT online test has the same number of questions and timing for each section as the in-person exam. It consists of four sections – Analytical Writing Assessment, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning, taking a total test time of around 3.5 hours. Test takers have the flexibility to choose the order of taking the quant and verbal sections. The scoring scale ranges from 200 to 800 points, combining scores from the quant and verbal sections. So you can expect the same level of difficulty and type of questions as you would face in a test center.

Registration process requires overseas address and computer setup

To register for the Gmat online exam, you’ll need to provide an overseas address that allows at-home testing, as it is not available for mainland China residents. Create your GMAC account using a foreign address and schedule your test date. You’ll then receive an email from Pearson VUE to download the OnVUE app and run a system test on your computer. Make sure to use a reliable computer with a working webcam and stable internet connection. Run speed tests ahead of time and tweak settings if needed. While the online whiteboard is available, using a physical whiteboard for working through quant problems is highly recommended.

Stringent exam security measures are enforced throughout

The Gmat online test employs advanced security measures to prevent cheating and ensure exam integrity. You’ll go through identity verification by showing your passport to the proctor via webcam. Photos of your testing environment will be captured to check that your desk area is clear of any unauthorized materials. The proctor monitors you in real-time during the test through your webcam and microphone. You must keep your eyes in the camera view at all times. Breaking eye contact or exhibiting suspicious behavior could lead to score cancellation, so be sure to follow all rules.

Unofficial scores appear immediately with official score reporting in a week

A major benefit of the Gmat online exam is getting unofficial quant and verbal scores as soon as you submit the test. This allows you to quickly gauge your performance. Official scores are generally available within 6 business days. You’ll need to formally submit score reports to each desired program. Unlike the in-person GMAT, scores from the online exam cannot be canceled. So you only get one shot to achieve your target scores.

By understanding the unique processes and policies of the Gmat online exam, test takers can adequately prepare and have a smooth experience on test day. With identical content and scoring to the in-person test, the at-home format provides additional flexibility and convenience. Using best practices around registration, computer setup, exam security protocols and score reporting, test takers can take full advantage of this new testing option.