

听和读是学习英语最重要的两种输入方式。初学者应该选择合适的听力和阅读材料,每天坚持不间断地进行英语输入。音频和文字材料要从简单到复杂,可以从慢速英语、英语故事、英文歌曲等开始,慢慢过渡到英文播客、简单英文文章等。在输入的同时,还要进行边听边看的训练,利用视觉和听觉双管齐下地学习。 input is critical when learning English. Listening and reading are two major types of input. Beginners should choose suitable listening and reading materials, and take in English input daily without interruption. The materials should progress from simple to complex, starting with slow English, English stories, English songs, and moving on to English podcasts, simple English articles, etc. While taking in input, it’s also important to practice listening while reading, making use of both visual and auditory channels.


英语学习必须做到反复重复,尤其是口语表达方面。初学者可以先学习一些日常用语,然后坚持每天大声朗读这些句子,反复练习发音和语调。也可以录音自测,跟读母语人士的录音,不断纠正自己的发音错误。在掌握基础句型后,可以模仿表达更复杂的句子,并在与他人交流中不断运用这些句型进行练习复习。Repetition is critical for English learning, especially for speaking. Beginners can start by learning some daily expressions, and then read these sentences aloud repeatedly every day, practicing pronunciation and intonation. Recording yourself and shadowing native recordings, constantly correcting your own pronunciation errors, also helps. After grasping basic sentence patterns, try imitating more complex sentences, and keep applying these patterns in conversations with others for practice and review.


语法是英语学习的基石,但并不需要死记硬背所有语法知识。初学者只需掌握基础语法以突破output瓶颈,比如助动词、时态、句型、句子结构等。在学习新知识的同时,要大量运用这些语法点,通过写作和口语输出来驾轻就熟。许多看似复杂的语法现象,通过大量应用就能自然掌握。重点突破基础语法可以快速提高英语思维能力和语感。Grammar is the cornerstone of English learning, but it’s not necessary to memorize all grammatical knowledge. Beginners only need to master basic grammar to overcome output bottlenecks, such as auxiliary verbs, tenses, patterns, sentence structures, etc. While learning new knowledge, apply these grammar points extensively through writing and speaking output to become adept. Many seemingly complex grammar phenomena can be grasped naturally through ample application.


网络上存在大量高质量的英语学习资源,初学者要善于利用这些资源提高效率。例如英文原版电影、美剧来提高听说能力,英文新闻、文章来增强阅读,对话练习软件来练口语,语法解析视频来学习语法等等。合理使用这些资源的组合,可以使英语学习事半功倍。但是也要注意使用权威、标准的资源。There are abundant high-quality English learning resources online. Beginners should learn to utilize these resources to improve learning efficiency. For example, watch original English movies and TV shows to improve listening and speaking, read English news and articles to enhance reading, use conversation practice apps to train oral English, watch grammar explanation videos to study grammar, etc. Reasonably combining these resources can make English learning much easier. But it’s important to use authoritative and standard resources.


英语词汇量的积累靠持之以恒的记忆与复习,但学习词汇的方法也很重要。一个高效的方法是学会通过词根词缀进行组词,充分利用词汇之间的内在联系,组合成更多词汇。学习常用的词根词缀,辨析其含义,然后与已掌握的单词组合形成新词,是一个快速扩充词汇的好方法。同时要在阅读和口语中大量应用这些词汇,使之内化。Learning vocabulary takes consistent memorization and review over time, but the learning methods are also important. One effective method is morphological analysis – breaking words down into roots and affixes, making full use of the inherent connections between words, to form new words. Learning common roots and affixes, analyzing their meanings, and combining them with known words to form new words is a good way to quickly expand your vocabulary. It’s also important to extensively apply these words in reading and speaking to integrate them.
