

办学资质是判断一所国际高中教学质量的首要标准。国际高中需要取得国内教育主管部门的办学许可,这是开展教育的基本合法性要求。除此之外,国际高中还需要取得国际课程组织的授权认证,如IBO、Cambridge、Edexcel、College Board等,这证明学校具备开设国际课程的资质。这两方面的资质保障都非常关键。家长在选择国际高中时,必须确认学校是否取得了合法的办学资质,这关系到学历 Whether the school has national and international qualifications is the primary standard for judging the teaching quality of an international high school. International high schools need to obtain school operating permits from domestic education authorities, which is the basic requirement for the legality of running a school. In addition, international high schools also need to obtain authorization and certification from international curriculum organizations such as IBO, Cambridge, Edexcel, College Board, etc., which proves that the school is qualified to offer international curriculums. Both aspects of qualification are very critical. When choosing an international high school, parents must confirm whether the school has obtained legal qualifications to operate, which is related to the diploma.


优秀的教师团队是国际高中实现质量教学的基石。首先,国际高中应聘请合格的外籍教师,他们更懂得国际课程的教学方法,可以为学生带来真正的国际化学习体验。外籍教师所占比例越高,学校的国际化水平也越高。其次,老师团队的稳定也很重要。如果教师流动率过高,课程质量难以保证。再者,师资待遇直接影响团队稳定性,待遇高可以吸引更优秀的教师。所以家长应了解学校的外教比例、团队稳定性和老师薪酬标准,这些都反映师资实力。 An excellent teaching team is the cornerstone of quality teaching in international high schools. First of all, international high schools should hire qualified foreign teachers who understand more about the teaching methods of international courses and can provide students with a truly internationalized learning experience. The higher the proportion of foreign teachers, the higher the level of internationalization of the school. Secondly, the stability of the teaching team is also very important. If the turnover rate of teachers is too high, it is difficult to guarantee the quality of the curriculum. Besides, the treatment of teachers directly affects the stability of the team. Higher pay can attract better teachers. So parents should understand the proportion of foreign teachers, team stability and teacher salary standards of the school, which all reflect the strength of the teaching staff.


国际高中的课程体系主要有Cambridge A-level、IB和AP三种,各有特点。A-level课程设置众多,适合有明显学科偏向的学生;IB注重均衡发展,课业量大,适合全能型学生;AP难度较大,侧重预修大学课程。所以选择课程时,家长要考虑孩子的兴趣特长、学习风格,以及未来的升学意向,比如想去英国还是美国,然后选择最匹配的课程体系。另外,学校开设的具体课程也要看enough,选择有孩子感兴趣的科目,避免课程设置成为选择该校的劣势。 The curriculum systems of international high schools are mainly Cambridge A-level, IB and AP. Each has its own characteristics. The A-level curriculum offers many subjects suitable for students with distinct academic tendencies; The IB focuses on balanced development and heavy course work, which is suitable for versatile students; AP has a higher difficulty and focuses on pre-university courses. Therefore, when choosing a curriculum, parents should consider the child’s interests and talents, learning style, and future aspirations for further study, such as going to the UK or the US, and then choose the most matching curriculum system. In addition, you should check the specific courses offered by the school and choose subjects that the child is interested in to avoid the curriculum setting becoming a disadvantage for choosing the school.


国际高中强调活动体验,不能只注重学业成绩。所以学校管理也不能太严苛,应该兼顾权威性与增强学生的自主权。学校可以设置明确的规章制度,但对学生行为的约束不应过度,应鼓励学生自主管理时间,参与各种课外活动的学习,培养组织能力和社交能力。如果学校环境过于严格,压抑了学生的自主权和个性发展,则难以达到国际教育的要求。家长选择国际高中时,要了解学校的管理理念,看是否实现了教学目标的平衡。 International high schools emphasize activity experience and should not focus only on academic performance. Therefore, school management should not be too harsh either, but should balance authority with enhancing students’ autonomy. The school can set clear rules and regulations, but restraints on student behavior should not be excessive. Students should be encouraged to manage their time independently and participate in various extracurricular activities to develop organizational and social skills. If the school environment is too strict and suppresses students’ autonomy and personality development, it will be difficult to meet the requirements of international education. When choosing an international high school, parents should understand the school’s management philosophy to see if it achieves a balance of teaching objectives.


判断一所国际高中的教学质量,毕业生的升学去向是一个关键的参考标准。我们不能仅看个别成功升学案例,而要关注毕业生总体的升学质量。首先应了解不同国家和学校的录取比例,看重点名校的录取情况如何。其次要关注不同课程的升学情况,比如IB课程与A-level课程毕业生的升学对比。最后,还要注意不同年份的数据,多个年份的升学情况汇总,可以更全面地反映学校教学质量。只有毕业生的整体升学情况优异,才能说明该校教学水平过硬。 The direction of graduates reflects the teaching quality of an international high school. We cannot look at individual successful admissions cases only, but should pay attention to the overall quality of graduates’ furthering their studies. First, we should understand the admission ratios of different countries and universities, and see how admissions to key famous schools are. Secondly, pay attention to the further study situations of different curriculums, such as the comparison between IB curriculum and A-level curriculum graduates. Finally, pay attention to the data of different years. The summary of further study situations over multiple years can reflect the overall teaching quality of the school. Only excellent overall furthering study conditions of graduates can demonstrate the high teaching standards of the school.


国际高中强调通过各种课外活动培养学生的综合能力,而不仅仅是成绩。所以学校是否提供丰富的活动资源也很重要。首先,学校应该有各种艺术、体育、社团等活动的设置,并鼓励学生参与;其次,学校还应定期举办各类学科竞赛,提供竞赛指导;最后,学校是否有校际交流合作,使学生能拓展视野。如果学校只注重学业课程,没有提供丰富的活动资源,将难以实现国际教育的培养目标。家长应该了解学校在这方面的投入。 International high schools emphasize developing students’ comprehensive abilities through various extracurricular activities, not just grades. So it is also very important whether the school provides rich activity resources. First, the school should have various art, sports, club and other activities, and encourage students to participate; secondly, the school should also regularly hold various academic competitions and provide competition guidance; finally, whether the school has inter-school exchanges and cooperation for students to broaden their horizons. If the school focuses only on academic courses without providing rich activity resources, it will be difficult to achieve the goal of international education. Parents should understand the school’s investment in this area.


良好的校园环境和硬件设施是实现国际化教育的基础。国际高中应提供各类专业教学楼,如多媒体教室、科学实验室等,并配置先进的教学设备,才能开设各类专业课程。此外,校园生活设施如食堂、宿舍、体育场馆等也要达标。现代化的硬件设施可以提供良好的学习环境。如果学校硬件简陋,也难以给学生高标准的国际教育体验。家长应考察学校的各项硬件设施,对比国际学校的通常标准,以免选择条件差的学校。 A good campus environment and hardware facilities are the foundation for international education. International high schools should provide various professional teaching buildings, such as multimedia classrooms, science laboratories, etc., and advanced teaching equipment in order to offer a variety of specialized courses. In addition, campus living facilities such as canteens, dormitories, and stadiums should also meet standards. Modern hardware facilities can provide a good learning environment. If the school has poor hardware, it will also be difficult to provide students with high standard international education experience. Parents should investigate the school’s hardware facilities and compare them with the usual standards of international schools, so as to avoid choosing schools with poor conditions.


国际高中学费一般在10-30万不等,对于很多家庭来说是个不小的支出。选择学校时,家长既要考虑教学质量,也要考虑自身的经济实力。确定家庭的承受能力,然后再选择符合预算而又教学质量优异的学校。一些学费过高的学校,不见得就能提供比学费低的学校更好的教育。教学质量取决于多方面因素,高额学费不应成为判断优劣的唯一标准。家长应该选择最匹配家庭经济实力与教学质量的国际高中。 The tuition fees of international high schools generally range from 100,000 to 300,000 yuan, which is a considerable expenditure for many families. When choosing a school, parents should consider both the quality of teaching and their own economic strength. Determine the family’s affordability, and then choose schools that meet the budget and have excellent teaching quality. Some schools with high tuition fees do not necessarily provide better education than lower-tuition schools. The quality of teaching depends on many factors, and high tuition fees should not be the only criterion for judging the pros and cons. Parents should choose the international high schools that best match their family’s economic strength and teaching quality.


各类国际高中排名也可以作为选校的参考,但并不应该成为最终决定的标准。首先,不同的排名可能有不同的评价标准和方法,其结果也不完全一致。其次,排名更多反映学校的整体实力,但对具体孩子的匹配程度还要实地考察。最后,排名靠前的学校不一定就最适合自己孩子。家长还是需要通过参观开放日、参考其他学生父母的意见等多方面了解学校,而不要依据排名作出选择。只有详细考察学校在各方面的表现,才能做出最符合孩子需求的决定。 The rankings of various international high schools can also serve as a reference for school selection, but should not become the final decision standard. First, different rankings may have different evaluation criteria and methods, and the results are not completely consistent. Second, the rankings reflect the overall strength of the schools more, but the specific degree of matching with the child still needs on-site investigation. Finally, top-ranked schools are not necessarily the most suitable for your child. Parents still need to understand the school through visiting open days, referring to other students’ parents’ opinions and other aspects, rather than making choices based on rankings. Only by examining the school’s performance in all aspects in detail can we make the decision that best meets the child’s needs.


除了学校自己的宣传资料,还应该通过毕业生和在校生了解学校真实的教学水平和学校生活情况。可以咨询孩子已毕业的校友 regarding their learning experience at school and evaluations of the school’s curriculum and teaching quality.还可以联系在读生的家长,问问学校的校园环境、师资队伍、活动情况等,看他们对学校的评价。学生和家长的真实口碑才能还原学校的真实情况,避免听信学校带有夸大成分的宣传。请家长通过多方求证,全面了解学校优劣,以免选错学校。 In addition to the school’s own promotional materials, the real teaching quality and school life of the school should also be learned through graduates and students. Consult graduated alumni about their learning experience at the school and evaluations of the school’s curriculum and teaching quality. You can also contact parents of students and ask about the school’s campus environment, faculty, activities, etc., and see their evaluation of the school. The real reputation of students and parents can restore the real situation of the school and avoid believing the school’s exaggerated propaganda. Parents should verify from multiple sources and fully understand the pros and cons of the school in order to avoid choosing the wrong school.
