



很多学生花大量时间背托福单词,但对TPO文章却不太重视。必须明白,词汇是基础,但真正决定成绩的仍是对文章、题型的理解。Therefore, while vocabulary building is important, students must also familiarize themselves with the passage types, question types, and response strategies of the TOEFL reading test if they want to get a high score. Otherwise, they will not be able to fully comprehend passages and respond accurately even if they know all the words.To improve reading speed, students need to directly associate vocabulary with meaning rather than taking the extra step of translating into Chinese. The ultimate goal is to directly perceive words and phrases as semantic units. Deliberate practice and repetition of meaningful sentences is crucial to develop this reflexive reaction so that the reading process becomes faster and more automatic.


很多学生没有认真对待TPO资料,而是直接刷题核对答案。但真正提高速度的秘诀是透彻了解托福出题方式,掌握每类题型对应的解题策略。这需要用题海战术,大量练习。并在每次刷题后总结文章结构、段落大意。考试时就可以快速定位信息,而不用反复漫无目的读。many students do not take TPO reading passages seriously and just rush through questions to check answers. However, the key to improving speed is thoroughly understanding TOEFL question patterns and mastering answering strategies for each type. This requires deliberate practice with a large volume of questions. Students should also summarize passage structure and main ideas of each paragraph after practicing. This builds familiarity so in the actual test, they can quickly locate target information instead of reading back and forth aimlessly. In this way, speed will naturally improve through both strategy and familiarity.

导致托福阅读速度慢的原因主要有逐字翻译、默读的 habit,词汇量不足以及没有掌握好技巧。要提高速度,一是改正翻译默读习惯;二是大量积累词汇;三是了解并运用托福阅读技巧。这些方法执行下去,托福阅读速度一定会有很大进步。