Writing English essays to describe line graphs is a common task in various exams and daily study. To get high scores, it is crucial to use appropriate words, phrases and sentence structures when writing. The key is to accurately describe the trends, features, highest and lowest points, proportions, fluctuations etc. This 300-word intro explains common methods and provides key vocabularies, phrases and sample essays for writing line graph English essays.


描述折线图变化趋势的词汇和短语非常关键,需要准确地表述上升、下降、波动、稳定等情况。主要包括:上升的词汇有increase,rise,grow等;下降的词汇有decrease,decline,drop等。此外还要用到一些描述变化程度的副词和形容词,如dramatically,gradually等。另外描述极值如最高点、最低点也很重要,peak,bottom,highest/lowest point都是高频单词。除此之外,表达占比多少,由什么组成等也需要掌握特定词汇,如occupy,account for,consist of等。多积累这些词汇短语,可以使折线图描述更加流畅和准确。


描写折线图有很多固定句式,能够灵活运用可以使文章更专业和流畅。常见句式有:1描述上升到某值的句式:The number increased/rose to 200 in 2010。2描述从某值上升到某值的句式:The figure went up from 100 to 250 during 2000 to 2010. 3描述A上升B下降的句式:Enrollment increased steadily while dropout rate declined gradually. 4描述最大占比的句式:Tourism accounts for the largest proportion of 50%. 掌握这些句式模板,根据折线图的数据填入适当词汇,可以高效准确地描写折线图的主要信息。


描述折线图文章通常可以分为三个部分:首段概述主要趋势,中段详细描绘各线条变化,末段总结。我们可以遵循一下写作模板:首段:The line graph shows the XXX trends from Year XXXX to Year XXXX. 提出主要线条并概述总体趋势。中段:分条描述各线条的具体变化,使用丰富词汇、句式,准确描绘。要点包括:起点值→变化趋势→终点值→极值等。末段:总结全文,概述各线条主要变化。遵循该模板,结合准确词汇和句式,可以流畅完整地描写折线图。


研读描述折线图的范文也很重要。以下是雅思作文的一个高分范文,我们可以分析其运用的词汇和句式:The line graph compares average house prices in Country X and Country Y over the period from 2010 to 2020. Overall, housing prices in both countries rose over this period, but the increase was far more pronounced in Country X. While house prices in Country Y climbed steadily from approximately 150,000 dollars in 2010 to close to 250,000 dollars in 2020, house prices in Country X nearly tripled over this period from around 200,000 dollars to over 600,000 dollars. We can see that both housing markets grew significantly, but housing in Country X increased far more dramatically compared to the more modest, gradual price growth seen in Country Y. 通过上下文和范文分析,我们可以学到描述折线图的方法和技巧,在自己的写作中应用。

In conclusion, accurately describing line graphs in English essays requires mastering key vocabularies, sentence structures and writing templates. One needs to portray the overall trend, specific features like fluctuations, peaks etc., proportions and comparisons between different lines. Sample essays can demonstrate proper expression while online resources provide more details. With enough practice using the right methods, one can achieve high scores in tests and effective communication in work regarding line graphs.