托福考试(TOEFL)全称为Test of English as a Foreign Language, 是美国教育测试服务中心(ETS)研发的一项针对非英语国家学生的英语水平考试。它通过测试听说读写四项技能,来考察非英语国家学生在学术环境下使用英语沟通的能力。托福考试被全球160多个国家1.2万多所高校所认可,是留学申请过程中最常见的英语语言测评。本文将详细介绍托福考试英文全称以及相关英文表达。


托福考试的英文全称为TOEFL,即Test of English as a Foreign Language的缩写。它的字面意思就是“作为外语的英语测试”。这反映了托福考试的初衷,即测试非英语国家学生的英语水平。

与托福对应的还有TEFL(Teaching English as a Foreign Language)和TESL(Teaching English as a Second Language),前者泛指向非英语国家人士教授英语,后者专指向以英语为第二语言的人士教授英语。



– The TOEFL test: 托福考试
– TOEFL score: 托福成绩
-register for / sign up for the TOEFL: 报名参加托福考试
– take the TOEFL test: 参加托福考试
– TOEFL requirement: 托福要求(录取要求)
– meet the TOEFL requirement: 达到托福要求




– What does TOEFL stand for? TOEFL stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language.

– How long does the TOEFL test take? The TOEFL test takes about 4 hours to complete.

– What is a good TOEFL score? A good TOEFL score is 90+ which meets the requirement of most universities.

– How to prepare for TOEFL? Common ways to prepare include taking official TOEFL practice tests, learning vocabulary and grammar, practicing listening and reading skills.

– How often can I take the TOEFL test? You can take the TOEFL test as often as you want, but you can only report one set of scores to schools.


综上所述,托福考试的英文名称为TOEFL,即Test of English as a Foreign Language,它通过测试非英语国家学生的英语听说读写能力来评估其英语水平。了解托福及相关考试的英文表达对于留学申请来说很有帮助。