对于准备申请商学院的考生来说,gmat730分是一个比较理想的目标分数。要取得730分以上的高分,除了努力刷题提高正确率和做题速度外,还需要对自己的ESR报告进行细致分析,找到自己的薄弱环节。本文将通过分析6份gmat730+的ESR报告,归纳出高分gmat ESR的几个关键特征,包括verbal单项rankings和pace控制、错误率与难度曲线分布、section1的正确率与速度等,这些特征反映出高分者做题的规律,可以作为我们在gmat备考过程中提高做题效率的参考。掌握这些ESR特征分析方法,有助于我们更有针对性地提升gmat成绩,争取在申请季取得理想的gmat高分。
gmat 730+ ESR的verbal single项rankings需要达到80+
从6份730+ ESR报告的数据可以看出,verbal单项里,SC的平均排名是74.25,CR和RC的平均排名都是80.5。这反映出,想要拿到730+的高分,每个verbal单项至少要达到80+的排名。如果你的某个单项特别突出,达到90+的排名,那么其他两个单项保持在70+也可以。所以要提高gmat verbal成绩,重点是把每个单项的rankings都提升到80+。我们需要针对自己较弱的单项,通过大量练习来提高熟悉程度和准确率。同时要控制好各单项的节奏,SC要在1:20-1:30之间,CR要在2:00-2:30之间,RC要在1:50-2:00之间,这样可以确保rankings和正确率的双提升。
gmat 730+ ESR的错误率与难度曲线呈现特定分布
analyzing ESR’s error rate alone is meaningless. We must combine difficulty level to see the full picture. The key is looking at where our difficulty curve lies compared to the high scorers. From the 6 ESR reports we can summarize: test takers who scored 730+ all had very high accuracy on the first section, even though difficulty level wasn’t extremely high. This indicates strong mastery of basics, allowing them to answer easy and medium questions quickly and accurately, leading to banks increasing quickly while still having time for harder questions later. Difficulty curve peaked at section 2 and 3 where pace slowed down to allot more time for those trickier questions. Last section was done quicker as well but without rushing to the point of random guessing. In summary, high gmat scorers don’t intentionally slow down on first 10 questions but rather have strong foundations to answer them accurately at a quick pace. As ability improves, pace will naturally stabilize too. Focus on mastery of basics first before worrying about pace.
gmat 730+ ESR的section1正确率和速度都比较高
gmat 730+ ESR的各section pace控制得当
analyzing the pace of each section in 730+ scorers’ ESR, we can see a clear pattern: Section 1 is done quickly due to easier difficulty as mentioned before. Section 2 and 3 are slower since questions get very challenging here after banks increase. Final section picks up pace again but not to the extent of random guessing due to lack of time. This shows effective pace control according to difficulty level. Couple this with strong mastery of basics, and you have a winning combination for a 700+ gmat score. Don’t get discouraged by making occasional mistakes. Keep moving forward quickly. Pace stabilizes naturally as your ability improves. The key is practicing extensively and internalizing the various question types over time. With a well-rounded grasp of concepts and adaptive pacing strategies, a 700+ gmat score is within reach.
通过分析6份730+ gmat ESR报告,我们可以总结出高分gmat的一些关键特征,包括verbal单项rankings 80+、错误率与难度曲线的合理分布、section1的高正确率和快节奏等。掌握这些高分gmat ESR的特点,我们可以更有针对性地强化自己的弱项和节奏控制,在申请季争取取得理想的gmat高分。